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A member registered May 27, 2017

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Thanks for your time and reply. No, the pointer does not show up if you point any camera at the menu. a way you can see this is to add this file: externalcamera.cfg to the root of the game directory next to the .exe executable. that is part of what turns on the third person camera for mixed reality. this can be created in notepad and applying the name to save it. the notepad created file could be empty. it seems that just the presence of this file causes the issue.

mixed reality mode is built into unity by default unless the developer disables it. In the game it works except once activated, there is no cursor on the wall when you point at it. Maybe this is related to the two right hands? I'll post a video demonstrating this if it'll help.

Overdrive is a great game. I am currently making videos and this one has me doing matrix moves to dodge bullets. for this to be shown in the video a third person view or mixed reality mode needs to be turned on. when I do, the ability to select options goes away. no cursor on the wall. Is there a way to fix this?